Martha Ciana, RMT
Martha Ciana is a registered massage therapist. She lives in Port Hope with her husband Ryan and two young sons. She graduated from Fleming College in 2007 where she studied massage therapy. In 2008, she started Kinetic Care, which she established as a holistic wellness clinic to provide a safe, professional environment to assist her clients to return to optimal health. Kinetic Care is based on her passion to get people moving and living live to the fullest.
Martha's background includes Ste. Anne's Spa, Canada's leading health spa in Grafton, Ontario and the Hillcrest Valenova spa in Port Hope. At both spas, Martha gained vast amounts of practical experience and the benefit of new clients daily. Additionally, at those locations, Martha saw the successful merge of professional therapeutic treatments with spa culture. Kinetic Care was created to provide Martha's regular clientele with this same proactive wellness approach to healing.
Martha grew up in Port Hope and is an alumni of Trinity College School. She enjoys an active lifestyle with her husband Ryan and their shared love of cycling is something they hope to pass on to their children. The family's summer project is to build a bike track in their backyard. Being a one-car family means that Martha and her boys walk everywhere in town, no matter the weather. Martha loves exploring the trails of Port Hope.